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29. EXT: [FLASHBACK: JULY 7] AMILCAR and BLINDFOLDED UNA run hand in hand over rocky terrain. UNA is filthy and wounded, but urgency is contagious; she no longer complains. They take cover behind large BOULDER. In distance, MAGDALENA gets into VAN, drives it further up slope, abandons it, runs for cover. UNA hears her VAN, realizes it is in danger. She stands, blindly lunges toward SOUND. UNA My van! AMILCAR
You don't want it anymore. Just wait and see. Or listen. AMILCAR scans STARRY SKY. AMILCAR
In your country, when a finger points to a star, your compatriots look at the finger. LOW ANGLE — UNA, AMILCAR, and above them, the STARS. OCEAN THEME rises. UNA is awe-struck. Realizes AMILCAR is man with whom BIANCA almost drowned for love, so many years ago. Sudden, VIOLENT SOUNDS cut off OCEAN THEME. GUNSHIPS arrive. ROCKETS WHOOSH! AMILCAR puts HOOD over his head, rips off UNA'S BLINDFOLD. AMILCAR
A human sacrifice... AMILCAR When your van stopped near Bald Mountain, it told Bianca that we had found each other. And it signaled the attack. It was elegant. Perverse poetry. Yes, Bianca, but it did not work. Beyond UNA and AMILCAR, atop Bald Mountain, earth and sky are afire. GUNSHIPS avidly bomb unmanned mountaintop. Targeted guerrillas are elsewhere. AMILCAR And now Bianca's lackeys think they are killing us — and you too, Miss Horn. But instead, they are bombing the Hell out of a deserted pile of rocks. And they're burning their Yankee blood-money — for nothing. AMILCAR and UNA stand FACE to HOODED FACE. Then, a brutal EXPLOSION clouds the air! When dust clears, AMILCAR is gone. UNA Amilcar! Amilcar!
She whirls around, arms outstretched. To no avail. Then, she trips over
something. AMILCAR! On his back, on the ground. UNA cries out, falls to her knees. Touches his
chest, feels a pulse. Her hand hovers over HOOD; does not dare remove it. UNA collapses on top of
AMILCAR'S living body. Around her, destruction is THUNDEROUS.
On opposite side of mountaintop, out of UNA'S sight, GUNSHIP lands.
Uniformed, helmeted SOLDERS leap out in regulation deployment: Right, left, right, left. They seek
to avoid gunfire — but there is no gunfire. There is no Enemy. There is nothing at all. Tall,
RED-HEADED MAN in CAMOUFLAGE FATIGUES appears last, his impressive figure framed in GUNSHIP'S door.
(BIANCA consulted with him at Poolside, Scene 9).
MAJOR RON STEPP Oh, Shit. MAJOR RON jumps out of GUNSHIP, wrathfully surveys manless boulder-scape again. Can it be true? It is. MAJOR RON grabs San Federal Army CAPTAIN by the collar, shakes him. MAJOR RON STEPP Where the fuck are they? Where are the little red bastards? CAPTAIN
Th-they must have known we were c-coming, S-sir. S-someone m-must have t-told th-th — MAJOR RON STEPP The cunt! UNA'S flaming RED VAN is only sign of life on mountaintop. MAJOR RON STEPP Shit! She would have made a perfect victim of Commie aggression. Now she's a perfect witness — to this! MAJOR RON, "unarmed" advisor, now forcibly takes CAPTAIN'S SUB-MACHINE GUN. CAPTAIN protests. CAPTAIN ...No! Major Ron Stepp, Sir! No! Not worth it! But MAJOR RON doesn't listen. He smacks CAPTAIN hard across the face, storms off in search of UNA. MAJOR RON STEPP The cunt! We were fucked by a naked, sunbathing, woman's-libber, do-gooding cunt! CAPTAIN gives MAJOR RON a "gone loco" look. RON leaves SOLDIERS behind, sets out on personal vendetta. SUB-MACHINE GUN ready, he zig-zags from boulder to boulder, tracking UNA, his quarry. CUT TO: 31. EXT: [FLASHBACK: JULY 7] PURPLE SMOKE parts, revealing starry SKY. UNA cowers beside AMILCAR'S unconscious body. She looks up, sees something approaching. Blinks. SPECTRE disappears. Relieved, UNA looks again. SPECTRE has re-appeared! Now even closer, it is clearly ARMED. UNA cannot recognize MAJOR RON from Poolside (Scene 9). He has no identity, no citizenship. SPECTRE bears down, relentless. Already, UNA cannot escape. And what about AMILCAR? UNA panics. Looks madly for hiding place. Cries out. Buries face in AMILCAR'S chest. SPECTRE is nearly upon her. UNA stands, grabs AMILCAR'S SUB-MACHINE GUN. She
orients WEAPON, aims, but cannot fire. Slowly now, she averts her face from target. WEAPON, however,
is aimed true. She does not see RON as he rises, tall, from behind a boulder, his WEAPON ready at
near point-blank range. We feel his finger on the trigger, but —
SPECTRE has gotten up again, continues its approach! Dead already, it marches on, SUB-MACHINE GUN raised. UNA covers AMILCAR'S body with her own, waits for end. MAJOR RON veers queerly, at last, falls. Dead. After interminable moment, UNA looks up. SPECTRE is gone. MAJOR RON'S body lies lifeless behind BOULDER. BOMBARDMENT abates. It is amazingly QUIET. SMOKE begins to lift. UNA spots nearby CAVE, drags AMILCAR'S HOODED body into its BLACK MOUTH. We FOLLOW UNA and AMILCAR into TOTAL DARKNESS. HOLD BLACK TO: 32. INT: [FLASHBACK: JULY 7] WATER is DRIPPING (OFF). In DARKNESS, MOUTH of mountain CAVE appears as distant swatch of starry, nighttime SKY. UNA strikes MATCH. Flickering FLAME reveals: UNA, on her knees. Lying on his back, the HOODED AMILCAR. CAVE is damp and covered with MOSS. UNA leans over AMILCAR; brings her face close to his HOODED own. He stirs, comes to consciousness. Opens his eyes, visible through small holes in HOOD. He recognizes UNA. She makes to speak, AMILCAR puts a forbidding hand over her mouth. MATCH goes OUT. TOTAL DARKNESS. HOLD BLACK; FADE UP TO: 33. INT: MORNING — 100/5
ON MONITORS — ONE MONITOR still shows POLICE CAVALRY, flamboyant in
LIMOUSINE, tight human shield of FBI MEN, and loose, outer circle of BIKER-COPS.
AMILCAR Those Federal Agents are not going to leave their posts. PEREGRINE And neither are we. CLAIRE But... to most people, the FBI is a criminal, not a political force. AMANDA steps forward. AMANDA That's why we must show them that they're criminally political.
ON MONITORS — From many angles, on competing TV channels, cortege on
Avenue is equally doomed.
CUT TO: 34. INT: MORNING — 100/5
ON A MONITOR — Unflattering LOW ANGLE on trotting FBI AGENTS. Accompanying AUDIO is TURNED OFF. Instead, BASEBALL GAME HISSING and BOOING (OFF) crescendos. CHIEF MORELL (VO) Shit! He did it again! ON ANOTHER MONITOR — A Yankee Stadium BASEBALL GAME. LIEUTENANT KING (VO) They changed their whole game-plan on us!
features FBI AGENTS, left-hand shows BIANCA in BUBBLE-TOP LIMOUSINE.
CHIEF MORELL Tate! LIEUTENANT KING Yes, Sir! He raised his profile without clearing it with us, first. His Agents penetrated our formation. They overpowered us! CHIEF MORELL Overpowered? Let's slow their power down. Play it again, Lopez!
OFFICER LOPEZ, a skittish guy, adjusts MONITOR that features FBI AGENTS.
Just like I told you! They got an order from the very top! I bet they — CHIEF MORELL cuts in, bellows name of his Federal bête noire. CHIEF MORELL Tate! Jesus — look now...
ON THE MONITOR — SLOW MOTION: BIKER-COPS submit without putting up a
CHIEF MORELL Tighten! Some POLICE OFFICERS exchange looks of cautious apprehension. LIEUTENANT KING Chief Morell? Sir? CHIEF MORELL Fuck it. This is our turf. Our men'll tighten down hard on that goddamn Mercedes — and on those D.C. boys...
ON THE MONITOR — FAST-FORWARD: It catches up, synchronizes with other
LIEUTENANT MANITKOWICZ But... you just can't go over their heads. CHIEF MORELL They have just gone over our bodies, Manitkowicz. LIEUTENANT KING takes CHIEF MORELL'S arm. Overheard by all, they confabulate. LIEUTENANT KING
Wait. Remember the new Terrorist Task Force agreement. It's bad enough you didn't do like Tate asked, and agree to do Motorcade security from their place — CHIEF MORELL
That video-game command center full of Feds in ties? Not while I'm in charge. Not while — LIEUTENANT KING Don't be a fool — uh, Sir. Times are changing. You gotta remember whom you're dealing with!
ON THE MONITOR — Naive, likable ROOKIE COP, awkward on new BIKE, waves
CHIEF MORELL The F.B.I. may have gotten wind of some danger. And then decided not to fuckin' tell us about it... LIEUTENANT KING These are your finest boys out there, Sir. And girls, too. From every community in the city. CHIEF MORELL pauses. Then, though still ill at ease, he takes final decision. CHIEF MORELL Whoever the Enemy is, he'll think twice about taking down the Feds with his target. But he'll think three times about killing one of us! LIEUTENANT MANITKOWICZ turns to his CHIEF, his face grave. LIEUTENANT MANITKOWICZ Used to be four times, Sir... CHIEF MORELL suppresses premonitions. Gives an order. CHIEF MORELL Tighten... CUT TO: |